

Beverley Elliott – The Girlfriend Takeaway

Beverley Elliott is a movie/television actress, singer/songwriter, and award-winning writer/performer of musical theater. She just ended a seven year run playing Granny on ABCs hit show Once Upon A Time (now available on Netflix), and her many movie projects include: Unforgiven with Clint Eastwood, Who’s Harry Crumb, The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants, and The Santa Clause 2. Check out her impressive list of appearances HERE.

Beyond all of these accomplishments, Bev is also genuinely kind and naturally funny. And did I mention she’s Canadian?

My biggest takeaway from our interview?

“Remember the pumpkin patch.”

She’s referring to a grueling gig she once had that allowed her to express herself with “fearlessness and sheer abandon” – an experience she now pulls on when faced with new challenges.

Whether large scale or small, most of us have a version of a pumpkin patch, as well. A time when we gave ourselves the freedom and permission to truly be. Let’s make a vow to go back there as often as possible.

A huge THANK YOU to this outstanding woman for being on Girlfriend, We Need To Talk! I can’t wait to see what she does next.

Learn more:


Watch Bev perform:
Video One
Video Two
Video Three

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It Always Ends The Same

Try to pick a movie,
A weekend game I play,
Searching, clicking, cursing
At the icons on display

Action and adventure
Sci-Fi tried and true,
Drama filled with heartache
Frozen, Ralph, or Pooh

Do I warp my brain on violence
Eyes closed more than they’re open,
Or pick based on the actor
Nicole or maybe Morgan

Comedy’s an option
Melissa makes me laugh,
but maybe that’s too mindless,
An Oscar win, perhaps

Romances never fail me
At least not when on film,
But God, there’s just so many
That the list can overwhelm

So every week it ends the same
With pounding my head,
I watch two hours of trailers
And stumble off to bed

~ Leana Delle
Sunday, March 17, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number ten of fifty-two

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Ellen Britton – The Girlfriend Takeaway

This woman. What a joy.

Professional musician, singer/songwriter, and guitar teacher extraordinaire. What was my biggest takeaway from her podcast interview on Girlfriend, We Need To Talk? Actually, I had two.

The first: “Singing harmony might be the best thing about life.” I agree with this, as it applies to music and to relationships. I think that being “in tune” with others is why we’re here in the first place. Strive for it. Hit the high notes. Blend.

The second: “If I can’t have fun, I don’t want to play. I think that’s the secret to everything.” Oh, so true, Miss Ellen. If you’re not digging it, ditch it – or come at your scenario from a different angle. One that infuses joy.

I highly recommend that you listen to this episode to get a true taste of what loving life sounds like. Options include iTunes where you can leave a review, or right here with a simple click.

Oh, and Ellen also gave me a new favorite word. “Dadgum.”

And be sure to follow her through the links below. You’ll be enriched by the connection, guaranteed.

Queen of Hearts
Meet The Queens!

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If I Thought . . .

If I thought that you could hear me
I’d tell you of my day,
All the little steps I took
Toward the dream I crave

You’d laugh at all my antics
And tell me “Good for you,”
Even if the things I shared
Were nothing you would do

If I thought that you could see me
I’d smile with your eyes,
And blow in your direction
A kiss that never dies

I’d wear the blouse you gave me
On the Christmas we last shared,
And match to it the earrings
That you left for me to wear

If I thought that you could feel me
I’d throw my arms out wide,
Await your soul’s arrival
And pull you deep inside

I’d keep a hand turned upward
One for you to hold,
Just like when I was younger,
Just like when you grew old

Take your rest you’ve earned it
I’m really not afraid,
After all you raised me
To be singular and brave

But if on high you’re able
And you hear me call your name,
Feel and watch and listen,
I still need you just the same

~ Leana Delle
Sunday, March 10, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number nine of fifty-two

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The Girlfriend Takeaway – Dr Kat Smith

Dr Kat Smith is an author, speaker (check out her TEDx), expert media guest, and all-around cool chick. She’s been on Good Morning America, HuffPost Live, Good Morning Texas, ABC radio networks, and now Girlfriend, We Need To Talk!

When this media powerhouse brought her awesomeness to the studio, she spoke hard truths about getting out from under our own shit. I had many takeaways from our conversation, but the biggest by far was . . .

“When life isn’t working out, start within.”

Kat has applied this to her own journey as a survivor of abuse, but it also holds true for every area of our own lives. Are you prone to negative thinking, afraid of change, crippled by self-doubt? Within people. That’s what she’s talkin’ about.

Check out this inspiring message on iTunes and leave a review. Not on iTunes? Click HERE.

And you can follow this outstanding woman on any or all of these social media platforms:







Thank you, Dr Kat!

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