If I Thought . . .

If I thought that you could hear me
I’d tell you of my day,
All the little steps I took
Toward the dream I crave

You’d laugh at all my antics
And tell me “Good for you,”
Even if the things I shared
Were nothing you would do

If I thought that you could see me
I’d smile with your eyes,
And blow in your direction
A kiss that never dies

I’d wear the blouse you gave me
On the Christmas we last shared,
And match to it the earrings
That you left for me to wear

If I thought that you could feel me
I’d throw my arms out wide,
Await your soul’s arrival
And pull you deep inside

I’d keep a hand turned upward
One for you to hold,
Just like when I was younger,
Just like when you grew old

Take your rest you’ve earned it
I’m really not afraid,
After all you raised me
To be singular and brave

But if on high you’re able
And you hear me call your name,
Feel and watch and listen,
I still need you just the same

~ Leana Delle
Sunday, March 10, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number nine of fifty-two


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  1. Beautiful Leana! Thanks xo

  2. I absolutely love this…and so would you Mom! Xo

  3. You really are so talented. A beautiful poem.

  4. A beautiful tribute that could only be to your mom. I think of her often. AsI have mentioned before, her name comes up when dessert is mentioned at our monthly luncheons.

  5. Michelle Barkley

    March 10, 2019 — 6:18 pm

    Wow. That is amazing. Made me miss my mother also. There should have been a disclaimer to have tissues ready! . Very talented. Your mom would be so proud of you. Now make it into a song.

  6. Beautiful Leana!!❤
    It would make a great song, as suggested.

  7. Leana, that is absolutely incredible. I love it. It’s beautiful.

  8. Wow. That was hard to read. Thanks. It’s so hard to see our moms slow down, need us, then gone way too soon.

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