Trust In The Ride
Permission I ask for
I bargain, I plea
To simply do nothing,
I ask it of me
Set aside projects
And put down the phone,
Ignore a few deadlines
Hide out alone
Yet, each time I query
I counter, it’s true,
With a voice of ambition
And a list of to-dos
Whispering, taunting,
Causing me strife,
With threats of my living
An unfulfilled life
Neither side loses,
Neither side wins,
And the next day it starts
All over again
Maybe what’s needed
Is some kind of truce,
Put down the blowhorns
And stop the abuse
Quiet the body,
Silence the mind,
Praise my soul’s driving
And trust in the ride
~ Leana Delle
Sunday, April 7, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number thirteen of fifty-two
Nicole Gaitan – The Girlfriend Takeaway
I love art, and I often imagine myself creating it full-time. Challenging when I hold a paintbrush like an injured bird, but I can make a mean collage/vision board. Those living the dream intrigue me, including this week’s guest, Nicole Gaitan. I stumbled upon her work on a trip to Jackson Hole, WY and fell in love with it.
Her interview revealed my assumptions to be true: Artists have all of the same doubts and fears that we do. They just have a more creative way of working through them.
My favorite takeaway from Nicole?
“When you make room in your life, things come in.”
I’ve actually seen this in my own life as it relates to, well, pretty much everything. Peace, creativity, money, and yes, even love. If you give something the focus it deserves, “it will grow,” as she so appropriately added. Not in a day, a week, or even six months to a year, but it will grow. I’d like to add that doing with an open heart, not attached to an end result, adds yet another magical element.
My guest has figured this out, and she also (like myself) practices visualization and manifestation. Each of her pieces, along with herself, are strong evidence that they work.
Nicole’s interview on Girlfriend, We Need To Talk! is both enlightening and inspiring. Listen on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or by clicking here.
This is definitely a woman you’ll want to follow:
Watch Nicole paint with BBQ Sauce!
The Last Day Of March
I’ve got a big question
To ask from the heart,
Why a big snow
On the last day of March?
I’ll admit that it’s pretty
In a pre-Christmas way,
But I’m told even Santa
Is feeling dismayed
The poor little robins
Flew all the way back
With a promise of sunshine
And flowers and snacks
But everything’s shivering
From buds on the trees
To dogs and small children
All up to their knees
What kind of tomfoolery,
Tell me, what trick?
April Fools’ is tomorrow,
To rules we must stick
So, dear Mother Nature
My homeland implores,
Please bring back our springtime
And faith you’ll restore
~ Leana Delle
Sunday, March 31, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number twelve of fifty-two
Helene Anne Fortin – The Girlfriend Takeaway
Helene Anne Fortin is one of North America’s leading photographers and an absolute joy of a human being. Blessed to interview her this week on Girlfriend, We Need To Talk!, I learned so much from her wise perspective that I struggled to pick just one takeaway. I had to start with a list of six and narrow it down.
Which quote won?
“Personal creativity is going to connect you to joy. If you bravely walk toward any kind of creative life, or even a portion of your life dabbling in creativity, you will not only enrich your life, you will enrich the world.”
I couldn’t agree more. Enriching the world may sound intimidating, but that comes from far beyond the actual work. It comes from the person you become while doing the work. It’s about how that new you interacts with others and spreads joy.
Again, Helene Anne specifies “personal creativity,” so it’s a matter of doing what speaks to you. That may be making museum ready sculptures or coloring in a coloring book. Dabble indeed, and experience the transformation. And DO NOT let your inner critic keep you from your crayons. Tell it to back the hell off.
You can listen to the full interview through the Girlfriend, We Need To Talk! website or by visiting iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or Google Podcasts.
Helene Anne is definitely enriching our world, and for that I send out a resounding THANK YOU, GIRLFRIEND!
Learn more about this outstanding woman, and her soul empowering work, through the following links:
The Art of Seeing Photo Workshops
HSP Workshop (Creativity for Highly Sensitive People)
One-on-One Creativity Mentorship Program
The Doubter
Question the doubter,
The faithless,
The lost,
Know that their lies have no basis
Ignore all the banter,
The whispers,
The cause,
The judge who holds court with no cases
The average have motives,
And plans,
And dark deeds,
Designed to derail the intended
“Protection,” they cry,
Is their purpose,
Their gift
To keep you from landing upended
Comparing they’ll do
Of others
To you,
Explaining why all plans do foil
And gloat from behind,
When you whither
They shine,
The victor holds tight to the spoils
But I challenge the victim,
The downcast,
Whence do these strong voices travel?
From within, I dare say
We destroy
We decay,
By our own hand our dreams do unravel
~ Leana Delle
Sunday, March 24, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number eleven of fifty-two