The strongest hands that hold us
The deepest tone of voice,
We’re introduced to fathers
As tiny girls and boys
They toss us high as toddlers
And keep us safe from harm,
Defending and protecting
With the mightiest of arm
They’re unmatched superheros
Who can’t do any wrong,
Until we reach our teenage years
And elsewhere we belong
But always, for the better
They keep a watchful eye,
Often down on bended knee
Praying for our lives
And time goes by, and lives live out
With spouses, homes, and tests,
While a father’s arms grow weaker
And he sells his empty nest
But never does his love for us
Fade along with years,
It grows and spreads across the miles
Still braving all our fears
And though the cape has faded
In the years since we did part,
It’s never left his shoulders
And we’ve never left his heart
~ Leana Delle
Sunday, June 16, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number twenty-three of fifty-two
Maxene Raices – The Girlfriend Takeaway
It was a different time in a different world when 17-year-old Maxene Raices got pregnant. A world where young girls became cloaked in lies and isolated for shaming their families. And all of this took place in a complete absence of sex education or discussion.
Fast forward 26 years to her answering the phone and hearing the daughter she’d given up for adoption on the other end.
Maxene is author of the book The Land of Sunshine and Hell: A Memoir of a 60s Unwed Mother, in which she chronicles a tumultuous and heartbreaking journey of giving up a child she’d had no option to keep.
“It left a hole in my heart.”
We often hear this expression associated with the loss of a loved one, and that’s exactly what she experienced when her child was taken from her. Thankfully, this story has a happy ending.
I’ve seen movies set in the 1960s involving teenage pregnancy, but not until reading this book, and interviewing Maxene, did I realize the scope of what young girls experienced.
That’s my biggest takeaway this week. That we’ve truly come a long way in the war on acceptance and the ability to make our own choices. Now, let’s do all we can to ensure that it stays that way.
You can check out Maxene’s riveting interview on iHeart Radio, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or by clicking here.
Off The Fence!
Beneath waves of upheaval
And morality’s guise,
Old, male caucasians
Avert their blind eyes
They claim God and science
Are supporting their side,
(Except when it comes
to environment’s cries)
“You must have your babies,
We’ll bring it to bear,
But don’t come to us
When there’s no food to share
“And don’t expect men
To wear condoms and such,
We like how it feels
Without one, too much”
And death to those
Who take action despite?
This bullshit hypocrisy’s
Reaching new heights
Most of my life
I have ridden the fence,
On political issues
With little defense
But when you in your tower
Try to silence our voice,
I will stand with my sisters
And holler PRO CHOICE!!
~ Leana Delle
Sunday, June 9, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number twenty-two of fifty-two
Hana Woerde – The Girlfriend Takeaway
Hana Worede is one determined woman. A Dallas based dentist, she did a mission trip to Ethiopia just after graduation, and what she saw changed her life forever. Now she’s determined to change the lives of the underprivileged in that country.
How? By starting her own company, bottling an ancient Ethiopian honey wine (tej) that has been in her family for generations. She calls it Bilquis, after the Queen of Sheba, who’s rumored to have partaken of the exact same drink.
This is no small undertaking, and Hana and her business partner are burning the candle at both ends. The wine is well on its way to showing huge successes, but getting there is proving challenging, testing the owners’ resolve at every turn.
And herein lies this week’s takeaway from my resilient guest:
“What keeps me going is having a purpose. Every time I get sad or I just want to throw in the towel, I have my goals written down in my notebook on why I’m doing this (if I can’t find them, I have them in my mind or on my phone). And if I got this far, there’s a reason why I’m still here.”
Great point. I think it’s super easy for us all to get bogged down with details and completely overwhelmed. I have that happen at least once a week, so thanks to Hana for reminding us all to keep focused on what drives our ambition. Not the outcome, but the reason. Purpose drives passion, and passion drives success.
And another thank you to Hana for bringing us her fabulous wine!
I think I can speak for all in wishing Bilquis every success. May Hana’s philanthropy be something we can globally raise a glass to.
Check out Hana’s inspiring interview on iHeart Radio, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or by clicking here.
The Credo Of Our Pets
Wet nose, bushy tail
Laughter in their eyes,
Wagging, running, playing fetch
Those peaceful bedtime sighs
Dainty steps, whiskers stretched
Meowing at their dish,
Gentle taps at 5:00 a.m.
And purring, so delish
All the love our special friends
Bring us every day,
Free of all conditions
Though cats will have their say
They come to us as gifts of joy
And stay not long enough,
They warm our toes and melt our hearts
And soften up those gruff
And when they pass, the feeling lasts
They’re with us even still,
For every little paw print
A memory is instilled
As humans we could stand to learn
The credo of our pets,
Behave with common purpose
Just love, be loved, accept
~ Leana Delle
Sunday, June 2, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number twenty-one of fifty-two