As Though My Kin
I sit beneath this giant tree
That graces our backyard,
And stare up into branches
That reach forever far
Her rings and I, we match in age
Both planted at a time,
When simple was a way of life
And kindness filled the mind
I love this tree as though my kin
Her maple leaves my shade,
Protecting from the sun and heat
While in the breeze they wave
I dream of climbing up again
The way a young girl did,
Supported by her mighty strength
From enemies I hid
I envy now the squirrels and birds
Who reach the highest branch,
Up through the many byways
That big girls simply can’t
Instead I sit and listen close
While in the wind she sings,
And echo back “I’m grateful for
The peace my soul you bring.”
~ Leana Delle
Sunday, July 7, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number twenty-six of fifty-two
Photo Credit: Hayley Seibel
Rita Wilkins – The Girlfriend Takeaway
Interior designer, Rita Wilkins, understands remodeling. Not only as it relates to personal space but also personal lives, and her biggest renovations have recently been her own.
What facilitated her to make changes? Exposure to an alternate reality.
A few years back, Rita traveled to Senegal where she witnessed what living with practically nothing looks like. What she found in the absence of material possessions was a culture rich with happiness and generosity. Returning to America, she downsized from a 5,000 square foot home to an 867 square foot apartment, donating, or giving away, 95% of what she owned. According to her, she’s never been happier.
“Once you open your mind to, ‘Is this possible?’ That’s where there’s an opening.”
Most of us focus on the possibility of gaining more, only to be left with an unexplainable and persistent void. In Rita’s instance, she’s completely turned the tables (the one or two she has left) on perspective.
“Downsizing has to do so much with what it is that you really want to do? What matters most to you? And then you look at what can be trimmed from your life, trimmed from your budget, trimmed from whatever. You can design the life you love.”
I loved talking to Rita, and we’ve both decided that our connection will go far beyond the 30 minute interview that has been posted for you to hear. It’s connections like this one that make doing this podcast one of my greatest joys, and I sure don’t need a lot of stuff to make that happen.
You can’t not gain from Rita’s words of wisdom. You can’t not gain from letting go.
You can listen to Rita’s episode on iHeart Radio, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Castbox, or by clicking here.
Learn More:
Rita’s TEDx
Gratitude and Pride
We look each day for big things
The grandiose, the wins,
The pie-in-sky accomplishments
Where life we’re sure begins
Obsessed with looking forward
And always asking, “When?”
Or paralyzed by fear that if
We fail we’ll never mend
When all the while around us
Life’s joys are wisping by,
The gentle touch of loved ones
The soft breath in their sighs
The trees, the grass, the colors
All shaped by nature’s hand,
The kindnesses and empathy
Our brotherhood of man
Hold tight to dreams, pursue them
And set your fears aside,
But understand the balance
Of gratitude and pride
It is through moments cherished
That we learn to clear our souls,
And make room for abundance
And the things that matter most
~ Leana Delle
Sunday, June 30, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number twenty-five of fifty-two
Photo Credit: Xaviar Morton Photographie
Stuff and Things
Things and stuff, and stuff and things
Filling up our homes,
Boxes full of God knows what
Stored above, below
Children’s toys that once made noise
Clothes from christenings,
Even though our kids are grown
And say, “Uninteresting”
Books and more books shoved away
Stacked up and stacked upon,
Some we’d marked to read one day
But now our interest’s gone
Nick-nacks and backpacks and old picture frames
Sticking out hither and yon,
Corners of closets and corners of rooms
That haven’t been reached in eons
Why do we do it, why must we play
This game of surpassing the Joneses,
While emptying our wallets and filling our lives
With the acquisition of excess
Does it help us avoid, or fill in a void
Where something we fear has gone missing,
‘Cause it can’t really work if we’re back at the mall
The next week in search of more “blessing”
‘Twas a wise sage, who said this of old age:
“You just can’t take everything with you,”
Yet here we remain, while our houses may gain,
With our souls and bills long overdue.
~ Leana Delle
Sunday, June 23, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number twenty-four of fifty-two
Photo Credit: Luca Laurence
Caroline King – The Girlfriend Takeaway
I had trouble picking my girlfriend takeaway this week, and I love it when that happens! It’s purely because there were so many nuggets from my conversation with Caroline King that I struggled narrowing down to just one. In the end, I decided on two.
This young woman is the Caroline of Caroline King Photography in Tucson, Arizona, and she’s a woman on a mission. A valiant one at that. She’s taking on our toxic body image issues and destroying them one photograph at a time. Her weapon? Boudoir. Powerful and expressive, it appears to show no mercy.
Caroline admits in the interview to having had some body image issues of her own, and who among us hasn’t? God knows I did. But now she’s embracing who she is and inspiring others to do the same. And beyond the photography, she’s also a big proponent of filtering our exposure to toxic social media messages that dictate how we should look.
“I think that one thing I’ve learned through all of this is just how much agency we have over the way we feel about our bodies through the things that we expose ourselves to, and the way we have to be vigilant about our thoughts about our bodies. After practicing that over and over and over and working that muscle, and sort of rewriting how you think about yourself, you can actually change how you feel.”
Yes, you most certainly can. I couldn’t agree more. And it’s people like Caroline who are out there fighting the good fight for those who continue to struggle.
“I hope that what I can do in my work is at least create a space for people to explore a different kind of relationship with their body than they have. I mean, it’s up to every individual person to do all the work that it takes to really undo all of the toxic messages, but if I can at least create a space where people can help explore that, then that’s really all I care about.”
Well done.
So, let’s don the lingerie, girlfriends, and work to put this body image bullshit behind us.
You can listen to Caroline’s inspiring interview on iHeart Radio, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or by clicking here.