Adrienne Mullins – The Girlfriend Takeaway
I won’t lie (because this girl won’t let me). I loved this week’s interview.
Adrienne Mullins has learned a thing or two about authenticity, and it all started with some brutally honest blog posts about dating. What she discovered was that people got on board. They loved it when she wrote about what matters; they loved her being real.
If there’s one thing we’re burdened by in this culture it’s secrets. Now, I get that there are some things better left unsaid, but we’re hiding the most honest versions of ourselves, and it’s taking a toll. I’d like to say it’s for good reason, but it often comes down to fear of being judged, or, as Adrienne confirms, fear of being vulnerable. Oh, but vulnerability is where true connection begins!
I certainly connected with Adrienne when she was in the studio. She’s a shining example not only for her generation but for anyone who is struggling with self-concept and emotional baggage. Her advice? Let it out, and tell it like it is.
“It’s very difficult to be ashamed of something that you’ve put into the light.”
I so agree with this. In the majority of cases, our fear of reaction is far worse than what we’ll actually face, boiling down to the fact that we have more of a problem with who we are than others do. If people think about our honesty after the fact at all, it’s only for a few minutes, and then they’re on to something else.
You can catch a wealth of Adrienne insights by listening to her interview on iHeart Radio, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, or by clicking HERE.
And don’t forget to pick up a copy of her book, Just Being Honest. It’s a great read that fully supports her mantra: “It’s time to live free.”
Prejudice Be Damned
Unique instead of different
Together not alone,
United not divided
A common sense of home
Acceptance versus judgement
Kindness trumping fear,
Words of affirmation
Impoverished wait to hear
Love triumphing hatred
Healing versus pain,
Children knowing comfort
Families safe again
Growth over stagnation
Prejudice be damned,
An opening of hearts and minds
A sisterhood of man
~ Leana Delle
Sunday, July 21, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number twenty-eight of fifty-two
Photo Credit: Shane Rounce
Stephanie Andre – The Girlfriend Takeaway
Here’s a story: 30-something female smoker qualifies for 2020 Olympic marathon trials. Okay, she quit smoking, but not until after she started running.
When her sister signed up for her first marathon, Stephanie Andre dutifully stood in the sidelines, cheering her on. She left that experience feeling inspired to do the same, having seen every variety of human finish the 26 mile challenge.
Stephanie is a marvel. She wasn’t a couch potato going into this, but she sure didn’t like running.
“It was always used as a form of punishment.”
And what a huge AHA moment for me! Remember those horrible laps we had to maneuver in gym class when we didn’t do something right? Could this be where my own personal loathing for the sport began?
As for the smoking – she continued when she started running, but eventually, she felt compelled to give it up. In fact, it’s when she decided to excel that she felt the most motivated.
“I started reflecting on my lifestyle and changes I could make to move toward that goal.”
She specifically wanted to qualify for the Boston marathon, and that she did. Her best time since this all began is 2 hours and 41 minutes in the Chicago marathon in 2017. That’s the time that qualified her for the upcoming Olympic trials in February in Atlanta, GA.
I get this. Not that I run marathons, but I have certainly made some tough decisions and given up things for a passion. If it’s holding you back, ditch it!
And her advice for people who say, ‘Oh, I could never run a marathon’?
“Go watch one. Not the people in the front. Just stay and watch the ones in the back. You’re going to see people out there that, in your mind you’re thinking, ‘That’s not a stereotypical runner.’ They’re all ages, there are much older people, all shapes, all sizes. You can absolutely do it. Yeah, it’s difficult, but that’s part of what makes it great – because it is a challenge.”
I am a firm believer that challenge equals growth. If running isn’t your passion, figure out what is, and take a look at who’s finishing in your chosen race. And, for God sake, listen to Stephanie when she says . . .
“Don’t put limits on yourself, that’s what I’ve learned. You just don’t know unless you try. Also, it’s taught me that moving forward, I don’t know what I’m going to be doing in seven years, who knows. It’s just taking it one day at a time, learning from the experience, and trying to better yourself.”
Thanks, Stephanie! We girlfriends needed that.
You can hear Stephanie’s interview on iHeart Radio, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, or by clicking HERE.
Follow Stephanie:
Articles to Learn More:
Oklahoma Sports and Fitness {“issue_id”:462052,”page”:22}
Runners World
Tulsa World
Dropping Pride
Alas, dear friend
Our spirits change
Through growth or through avoidance
We shift and bend
When choosing joy
Or wrinkle with avoidance
When arms are open
To embrace,
The Universe replies
When otherwise
Held crossed and tight,
It reinforces lies
For though they try,
The joyful ones,
To raise your spirits high
‘Tis opposite
That does occur,
Your anger makes them cry
And far beyond
Intention’s lair
Results do leave them cold
The only option
Left to bear,
Releasing of the old
So, know in head,
If not in heart,
The reasons I must leave
My love for you
Will never wane
But cannot serve your needs
All that’s left
And does remain
Is reaching down inside
And finding strength
To hold your arms
Wide open, dropping pride
~ Leana Delle
Sunday, July 14, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number twenty-seven of fifty-two
Photo Credit: Ian Espinosa
Dawn McGauley – The Girlfriend Takeaway
Wellness practitioner. That’s what this outstanding woman is, and who doesn’t love wellness?
I met Dawn several years ago through a friend, but we never really got to know each other. Only recently, by following her practice on Facebook and Instagram (something you can do if you scroll down), I became intrigued. Reiki Master?! Having done some serious spiritual exploration at one point in my life, I wanted to learn more.
Dawn was the perfect guest (funny, upbeat, knowledgeable), and following the interview, I had to travel to Canada for a week, so I booked a Reiki session with her of my own.
First off, Dawn works in a relaxing space in her home that has a completely chilled vibe. She explained the entire process to me and got started. In the interview she quotes a client as saying, “I don’t know what you did, but I feel great.” Yep! My experience exactly, although I did understand the process.
Throughout, with my eyes closed, I could feel literal heat coming from Dawn’s hands, which she describes as channeled energy. It was intense at times, but never painful, and when I opened my eyes, fully relaxed, she helped me identify areas that may be holding me back. Honestly, it’s like spiritual and mental therapy all wrapped up into one calm inducing hour. I loved it!
Skeptical? There’s nothing about a Reiki session that can harm you, so what do you have to lose? Dawn said it best: “I’m a fan of ‘throw everything at it!’ If you try something and it doesn’t work for you, then great, don’t try it again. But what if it does?”
Oh, how that applies to everything! The definition of being alive, if you ask me. It’s through trying new things that we identify ourselves and where we fit in on this crazy, floating planet.
“You create your reality. That’s something that people need to understand, and sometimes that’s hard for them to get. But you can shift it any time that you need to.”
Yes, they do find it hard to get, especially in the face of suffering, but the ability to facilitate change lies within us all. Attitude and focus shape confidence and perception, and anything that aligns us and better directs our energy can’t be a bad thing.
And no worries if you don’t live in Dawn’s immediate area. She offers some great online classes, too!
You can listen to Dawn’s interview on iHeart Radio, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, or by clicking here.
Thanks, Girlfriend!
Learn More/Follow Dawn:
Online School
And visit my podcast website at www.GirlfriendWeNeedToTalk.com for more inspiring content.