Alas, dear friend
Our spirits change
Through growth or through avoidance
We shift and bend
When choosing joy
Or wrinkle with avoidance
When arms are open
To embrace,
The Universe replies
When otherwise
Held crossed and tight,
It reinforces lies
For though they try,
The joyful ones,
To raise your spirits high
‘Tis opposite
That does occur,
Your anger makes them cry
And far beyond
Intention’s lair
Results do leave them cold
The only option
Left to bear,
Releasing of the old
So, know in head,
If not in heart,
The reasons I must leave
My love for you
Will never wane
But cannot serve your needs
All that’s left
And does remain
Is reaching down inside
And finding strength
To hold your arms
Wide open, dropping pride
~ Leana Delle
Sunday, July 14, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number twenty-seven of fifty-two
Photo Credit: Ian Espinosa