Yet Another Year
Another page is turning now
With twenty-nineteen passed,
Another mention from us all
On how it went too fast
Seconds, minutes, hours, days
Melted into one,
With all those worries, fears, and joys
Now setting with the sun
And as we raise our champagne flutes
We’ll briefly try to share,
The best and worst of all that was
And how we all did fare
For some will hate to see it end
While others will rejoice,
Regardless, right at midnight
Each soul will raise a voice
For old acquaintances we’ve lost
For new who’ve come our way,
For possibilities ahead
For keeping death at bay
Our lips will kiss and arms embrace
The ones our hearts hold dear,
And bravely we will face the dawn
Of yet another year
~ Leana Delle
Sunday, December 29, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number fifty-one of fifty-two
Photo Credit: Jamie Street
Mrs. Claus – The Girlfriend Takeaway
“I’m the first lady of the North Pole.”
Yes, she most certainly is, which is why I fought tooth and nail to get an exclusive interview. No easy feat this time of year, believe you me. So, if anyone deserves a pampering pedicure after yesterday, it’s her!
Let me start by saying that I’m kind of ashamed of myself. I went into this interview in hopes of uncovering dirt. I wanted the down low on the big show (and the big guy in particular). You see, like most grown-ups, I’ve been disappointed by role models at enough turns to induce vertigo, so surely there had to be secrets.
Instead, what I got was a version of a Hallmark script that makes the recently released Mr. Rogers movie look like a horror flick. Mrs. C’s account of life at the pole came with so much sugar, I thought I’d lapse into a diabetic coma, but something else happened instead.
I heard about how the couple met, how consistently kind Santa is at home, and her advice on making relationships work. And, although initially turned off by her love of the traditional role she holds in their marriage, I was impressed at just how much she genuinely loves what she does. So, who am I to judge?
“I am where I’m supposed to be in my life. Helping others spread the joy of Christmas.”
What struck me most about this behind the scenes celeb was her advice for young girls (and old).
“You need to be yourself. Don’t try to be anyone else. Love yourself. You are unique. Don’t grow up too fast. Enjoy the innocence of your childhood. You are smart, you are kind, you are beautiful, and you are enough.”
Amen, Sista Christmas!
In the end, the cynic in me took a backseat, and I found myself the willing recipient of all that this girlfriend lives to dole out – a massive dose of Christmas spirit.
Mrs. C. admits to having a strong circle of girlfriends (something I advise for all), and I admit to wanting to be part of it. If this power couple passes through Dallas on the way to their upcoming Cayman Island vacay, I may have to coax them into sharing a cup of “magical hot cocoa.”
Thanks for the interview, girlfriend, and enjoy your much deserved downtime!
You can listen to Mrs. Claus’s interview HERE, but it’s also available on iHeart Radio, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever your favorite podcasts play.
Mrs. Claus was played by the very talented comedienne, Shonda O’Neal.
Christmas Past
In peaceful reminiscence
I sat alone today,
With Christmas tree my vision
And gifts upon display
Yet in the seats surrounding
Old souls did take their place,
Strongly felt in spirit
But absent voice or face
My mother gently kissed me
And took her favorite chair,
Aunts all came together
Each one a hug to share
Uncles soon did follow
Some boisterous, others shy,
And cousins, just a couple
Each one too young to die
Then each of my grandparents
Their presence regal, strong,
And at their heels our precious pets
Right back where they belong
And who all were and still remain
Brought thoughts to me so clear,
How in this blessed season
Each one again appears
Not just within our memories
Not just through stories told,
But through our kindness, through our hearts
And deep within our souls
~ Leana Delle
Sunday, December 22, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number fifty of fifty-two
Photo Credit: Leana Delle
Janice Bristow – The Girlfriend Takeaway
“I just think that if everybody could give what they can when they can, the world would be a better place.”
I couldn’t agree more, but Janice Bristow takes her giving to a whole new level. She works at it, but she assures me it doesn’t take a lot of her time.
What’s her secret? Couponing! Her family always couponed, so she was no stranger to the process, but when she started to find deals on items that she’d never use, she had a brainwave.
Why not get the products, which she often can for free (yes, free), and give them to people who need them? Now she and her sister, Sheila, make this a regular practice. It’s not just a Christmas thing, either. They do it all year round.
The most they’ve saved on items to donate? Get this. For their church’s Thanksgiving food drive, the girls got all of what you see in this pic for $64.00, which retail would have cost close to $730.00! Always on the lookout for a deal, they acquired this haul over time to deliver for the holiday.
Recipients vary from their church to their local food bank, women’s shelter, youth shelter, and even the Humane Society. Janice also works in long-term care, so she’ll sometimes share items with the residents there, as well. And most recently, in their hometown of Collingwood, Ontario, Canada, an “Out of the Cold” program started, offering 12 beds to homeless individuals on cold winter nights. Food is mostly being donated from local restaurants and grocery stores, but Janice and Sheila are contributing with personal items like deodorant, toothpaste/toothbrushes, etc.
“It’s about knowing your prices, and it’s about knowing the rules of couponing and stores.”
As for those stores, she assures me they aren’t losing out.
“They’re not going bankrupt because of me.”
Oh sure, there are other folks out there working the couponing gig to save on items they don’t need, but they’re doing it to sell them and make a profit. Not Janice and Sheila.
“There are people out there who don’t have shampoo to wash their hair. Or if they buy the shampoo, maybe they can’t buy milk. That’s kind of where I’m coming from. If I can give them the shampoo, it gives them maybe $10.00 extra dollars to spend on food.”
Janice is also generous with her knowledge. She’s taught classes on couponing (including how to not spend a lot of time on this), and she’s available to answer questions through her Facebook page that’s dedicated to the practice. It’s all about paying it forward.
“Maybe you only have $10.00 that you can give, but that’s $10.00 from me this week and $10.00 from you next week, and it all adds up. There are people way less fortunate than I am, and if you can help somebody up a little bit, it might just make the difference in their week, their year, whatever.”
To further quote this amazing woman, “A little kindness goes a long way.”
It most certainly does.
You can listen to Janice’s interview HERE or on iHeart Radio, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify or where your favorite podcasts live.
Learn More/Follow:
Janice’s Couponing Facebook Page
I Love Savings
Where Our Hearts Belong
If something were to come my way
I’d never seen before,
With face and eyes and nose – or none
Two legs, or three or four
I wouldn’t try and shy away
From all that’s not like me,
Instead, I’d hold a hand outstretched
Despite no guarantee
I’d speak in gentle, soothing tones
To help put fear to rest,
And smile wide with lips and eyes
In hopes I’d pass the test
From outer space or heaven’s gate
Or just a foreign land,
I’d err to favor kindness
The type that’s offered friends
And if I someday find myself
On space ship, wing, or plane,
I pray to come across a being
Who’d treat me just the same
It matters not at all, you see
Which side you’re standing on,
For when we’re sharing common soil
It’s where our hearts belong
~ Leana Delle
Sunday, December 15, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number forty-nine of fifty-two
Photo Credit: Gilbert Beltran