Aalia Lanius – The Girlfriend Takeaway
“Time is absolutely, hands down, the most valuable asset we have. You’re not so much operating in the what if, you’re dealing with right now. That’s why everything is one day at a time. It’s one foot; one breath.”
Aalia Lanius speaks from the heart, and her heart has seen its share of struggles. Abandonment, homelessness, domestic violence, loss, even cancer. But all of these challenges are in her rearview mirror. She’s now focused on the future and practicing genuine gratitude every step of the way. Even on her worst days, she hears a very determined inner voice:
Award-winning novelist “It’s saying, ‘Aalia, you can do more than that,’ and inside I want to. ‘Your pain and suffering has a purpose, and you know that you don’t want someone else to go through some of things you went through.’“
Hers is a noble mission that includes everything from spearheading non-prophets to writing thought-provoking novels, all with a focus on empowering others. In fact, L.A.’s upcoming Empowercon is her brainchild, and I have no doubt that it will be a huge success.
From the moment I started interviewing Aalia, I was swept up in her exuberant energy, her level of authenticity, and her heartfelt motives. She’s the real deal, girlfriends, and she’s here to help shift your focus to the positive.
You can hear Aalia’s inspiring interview on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, or by clicking HERE.
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As Sonnets Often Claim
In the grandest scheme of things and dreams
You took a little longer,
Standing at a forest wall
Of fears that made it stronger
Safe I felt, while resting there
Protected in contentment,
Wondering every now and then
If love just brought resentment
Thinking that it’s not from hearts
As sonnets often claim,
But twisted by the hands of fools
A few I’ve known by name
Then in you came, with tool and blade
Wrestling through the fortress,
Determined, sure, to prove me wrong
And shift the vision toward us
I watched, I waited, for a sign
To prove you like the others,
But years did pass with ne’er a hint
Of heart’s desires smothered
Now gone the forest, moved the trees
Allowing in the light,
I rest in arms of true intent
And share my soul’s delight
~ Leana Delle
Sunday, August 25, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number thirty-three of fifty-two
Photo Credit: Kristina Litvjak
Sally Helgesen – The Girlfriend Takeaway
Sally Helgesen knows of what she speaks. As a leadership coach, she’s been working with women at very senior levels for 30 years, while providing endless leadership based workshops and writing books. I think I can speak for all women when I say, we’re super grateful for it all!
Her latest book, How Women Rise, cowritten with leadership guru Marshall Goldsmith, is a culmination of her work, and it’s been a total game-changer for me, both professionally and personally. I couldn’t put it down!
Marshall originally wrote, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, which focuses on behaviors most likely to get in the way for successful people. But his research came from a heavily male coaching base, and women had trouble relating to some of the advice. For example: don’t always say you’re the person who’s right, or learn to apologize.
To Sally’s point, some of us can hardly open a door without apologizing. She suggested to Marshall that they write a book combining his fundamentals with information more directed toward women, and How Women Rise was born.
In the book, and during her interview, Sally talks about specific behaviors that may serve us early in our careers but can get in the way as we advance to more senior levels. There are 12 in total:
– Reluctance to Claim Your Achievements
– Expecting Others to Spontaneously Notice and Reward Your Hard Work
– Overvaluing Expertise
– Building Rather than Leveraging Relationships
– Failing to Enlist Allies from Day One
– Putting Your Job Before Your Career
– The Disease to Please
– The Desire to be Perfect
– Speaking While Emotional
– Minimizing
– Ruminating
– Letting Your Radar Distract You
In full transparency, the first three on the list are my culprits, but I recognize others as being more prominent during different periods of my life and career.
Sally also points out that a lot of us suffer from what she calls, People will think I am if I . . .
“Women have so much fear around being perceived as out for themselves or too ambitious. We often hold ourselves back, because we’re trying to manage people’s expectations rather than behaving in a way that’s appropriate but does, yes, serve our interests.”
And she’s here to tell you that the world doesn’t fall apart if we conduct ourselves more authentically.
“Sometimes when you behave in unexpected ways, people are a little uncomfortable, but if you give them a chance to get used to it, they do.”
Yes, they most certainly do. I’ve found this to be true just since reading the book!
And what about perfectionism? Aren’t most of us trying to do it all and do it just right?
“When I have seen women at very senior levels not get a promotion that one on paper would have expected them to get, it’s often because of perfectionism. I’ve been doing this a long time, and I have never once heard anybody say, ‘Oh, I work for a perfectionistic boss, and I love it!'”
I thoroughly expected to enjoy my conversation with Sally after reading her book, and I was right. Intelligent, funny, and super knowledgable, we rounded out her interview, discussing how life experiences lead us to that thing that will ultimately bring clarity and fulfillment, even in the face of self-doubts and ineffective behaviors.
“You just have to be patient and trust that there’s something unfolding.”
Now, that’s a takeaway!
You can listen to Sally’s interview on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, or by clicking HERE.
Rise up, girlfriends!
Learn more:
How Women Rise
A Warm Cocoon
There are days I have, I spend
Staring at a screen,
Binging on some nonsense show
That’s pointless scene to scene
Hair a mess, a braless chest
With PJs my attire,
Eating all my cupboards bare
And napping by the fire
It isn’t that I’m sad or sick
Or hiding from the world,
It’s simply that I need the rest
As dreams prep to unfurl
At times that voice, that pesky nag
Chimes inside my head,
Get up, get out, get at it,
There’s a list from A to zed
But over years, I’ve found a way
To shut the nagging off,
I close my eyes and take a breath
and whisper, “That’s enough.”
I visualize, I see instead
A caterpillar fair,
Wrapped gently in a warm cocoon
Awaiting wings to bare
And when at last I’m finished, done
With resting safe inside,
My metamorphosis will end
And consciousness will rise
~ Leana Delle
Sunday, August 18, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number thirty-two of fifty-two
Photo Credit: Marco Giraldo
Beth Fraser – The Girlfriend Takeaway
If you look up the definition of perseverance in the dictionary, you’ll see Beth Fraser’s picture. Well, maybe not literally, but she should be in there. She never gives up.
Beth’s first acting role was as Wilbur the pig in a 2nd grade production of Charlotte’s Web. That’s where she got the bug. Not the spider; the acting bug, and it’s never left. Not even in the face of discouragement from her well-meaning parents. When she got old enough to pursue what she wanted, L.A. beckoned.
As is the case with most passionate journeys, Beth’s hasn’t been easy. She’s very honest about dry spells and periods of self-doubt, but she admits . . .
“I have to keep going. I can’t think of anything else I want to do with my life.”
A lot of us can relate to this. I’ve often said on the podcast that I can’t not show up. It’s a calling, and if I don’t listen (or talk as the case may be), I suffer.
“There are plenty of things that we have other skills for, but what fills you? What feels right?”
It’s an age-old question, Beth, and many of us can relate to that need for fulfillment. I mean, after all, were we put on this earth to just pay bills and be good consumers? I don’t think so. At least when we come to the end of our run we can say that we did what we loved, regardless of the scale of the thing. I suspect that Beth’s scale is heading off the charts!
“If you want to do it, you make it work.”
Amen, Girlfriend!!
You can hear Beth’s interview on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, or by clicking HERE.
Oh, and she’s an avid reader and wine pairer, so I can’t wait to hear which wine she sips while reading my novel!
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Actors Access
Voyage LA Article