“Time is absolutely, hands down, the most valuable asset we have. You’re not so much operating in the what if, you’re dealing with right now. That’s why everything is one day at a time. It’s one foot; one breath.”

Aalia Lanius speaks from the heart, and her heart has seen its share of struggles. Abandonment, homelessness, domestic violence, loss, even cancer. But all of these challenges are in her rearview mirror. She’s now focused on the future and practicing genuine gratitude every step of the way. Even on her worst days, she hears a very determined inner voice:

Award-winning novelist “It’s saying, ‘Aalia, you can do more than that,’ and inside I want to. ‘Your pain and suffering has a purpose, and you know that you don’t want someone else to go through some of things you went through.’

Hers is a noble mission that includes everything from spearheading non-prophets to writing thought-provoking novels, all with a focus on empowering others. In fact, L.A.’s upcoming Empowercon is her brainchild, and I have no doubt that it will be a huge success.

From the moment I started interviewing Aalia, I was swept up in her exuberant energy, her level of authenticity, and her heartfelt motives. She’s the real deal, girlfriends, and she’s here to help shift your focus to the positive.

You can hear Aalia’s inspiring interview on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, or by clicking HERE.

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