Writer’s Block

Words, where are you hiding
Ideas now betrayed,
Leaving me in silence
Partially dismayed

What used to be so easy
And came with little thought,
Is challenging my patience
And leaving me distraught

Can we make ourselves creative
And force a thing to be,
Should we stress the outcome
Or set the process free

A school of thought supports us
In the doing of a thing,
A simple pen to paper
And the practice that it brings

But with no proof of reason
And even less on rhyme,
I’m simply going to walk away
Until another time

~ Leana Delle
Sunday, November 17, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number forty-five of fifty-two
Photo Credit: Neven Krcmarek

1 Comment

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  1. So well spoken that I found myself nodding as I read it, hoping it would justify why I am making spaghetti sauce instead of writing! By the end of the poem, I felt much less.guilty.

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