
Beyond the blankness in your eyes
Within the fading breath,
There lingers recognition
And love for those you’ve left

For souls recall and souls hold true
The memories of yore,
When words you spoke held meaning
And arms held those adored

But without rhyme or reason
Disease with cunning stealth,
Stole your mind’s abundance
And robbed you of your health

And now they’re standing vigil
Those faces lacking names,
Spouse and children, siblings
O’er what of you remains

The ones you raised and ones you praised
And made a difference for,
Will weep at losing you again
This time forevermore

But souls recall and souls hold true
And souls will carry on,
For with your last breath taken
You’ll know each single one

And rising from your prison dwelled
Your burdens dropped with ease,
You’ll whisper, “I remember,
And my love will never leave.”

~ Leana Delle
Sunday, November 10, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number forty-four of fifty-two
Photo Credit: Anne Nygård


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  1. I absolutely love this. So many heartbreaking moments with my dad, but also so many sweet ones. This awful disease robbed him of his memories, but it could never steal his heart.
    Thank you Leana.♥️

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