Mother’s Day

And here we are at Mother’s Day
No flowers have I sent,
Commercials for the perfect gift
Again have come and went

All the precious pictures
I see from friends I know,
Of how they’re spoiled and spoiling,
Such love that they bestow

For me and many others
This is a day to mourn,
The strongest bond we’ve witnessed
Since the gift of being born

But mourning I will limit
And choose to do instead,
Concentrate, be grateful
For all you did and said

How blessed, how truly special
The love that we once shared,
Not always there together
But attuned to how we cared

Today will always be your day
Despite the fact you’re gone,
But now it’s for remembrance
And the heart to carry on

~ Leana Delle
Sunday, May 12, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number eighteen of fifty-two


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  1. Well said. It is a day to remember and celebrate and focus on the many memories.

  2. A thought for our mothers that are no longer with us…..she may no longer hold our hand but she holds our heart forever. Your mom was a wonderful lady. Missing my mom today as well

  3. Beautiful

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