Here we are. That time of year again. Time to figure out what to give everyone on our Christmas lists. The masters of marketing are ramping up their efforts to bombard us with the latest toys, gadgets and extravagances. I actually saw a Lamborghini in a showroom window with a bow on it just last week. Really.
I love giving. There are few feelings quite so gratifying as getting just the right thing for just the right person. It’s joyful and far better than receiving. I often wish that I could give something to humanity as a whole.
Well, here’s a thought: Maybe I can, and maybe you can, too.
Are you aware of the fact that the greatest gifts any of us have ever been given are our talents? That each one of us, whether we’ve identified them or not, were given some unique ability that is just ours and no one else’s? It’s true, and it’s a damned shame if we don’t try and regift it at every opportunity.
You may have a talent that you’re fully aware of but afraid to share – that one thing that comes easily to you and brings you joy. Know that sharing it will also bring joy to others and make floating around on this blue and green orb all worthwhile. And, like a lot of bullies, fear will back down if you confront it, anyway. It’s secretly wimpy that way.
Regift your talents and abilities this holiday season. If you want to put a bow on your head while you do it, I say, CHEERS!!
Merry Christmas, everyone, and may 2015 see you expressing the truest version of yourself.