Dear Friend

I saw you in a dream last night
Laughing, full of life,
You’d come, you said, to join me
On a trip requiring flight

Your hair’d grown back to shoulder length
All golden like the sun,
Your eyes still danced with mischief
Hell bent on seeking fun

I felt surprised to see you
Forgetting you had died,
And wondered where you’d gotten to
For all the time gone by

But never was there anger,
That isn’t how I felt,
‘Twas love, familiar calmness,
And a sense that all was well

Though fleeting was your presence
What happiness evoked,
So thrilled that you had come at last,
So grateful we had spoke

My God, dear friend, sometimes it feels
A lifetime since you left,
At others, only minutes
Since I heard the news and wept

I smiled when I awoke this morn
I smile even still,
While praying you’ll return again,
I’ll sleep in wait until

~ Leana Delle
Sunday, May 5, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number seventeen of fifty-two
Photo credit: Anthony Tran


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  1. Janet Pickard

    May 6, 2019 — 6:22 am

    I have enjoyed your poetry and hope you keep writing.

© 2025 Leana Delle | Website: NAKB Design