The Search For Self

I see it very clearly
From ‘cross this crowded room,
Discomfort in the skin you own
Expression full of gloom

Your eyes trace every surface
Of humans in your view,
You’re mesmerized, confused almost
At what they all can do

How easily their voices lilt
Though varied in their kind,
No one intimidated,
No one appearing shy

Most women need no effort
To glide throughout this space,
While every step you try to take
Feels awkward, lacking pace

You turn now and you see me
A meeting of our eyes,
You wince despite compassion
I’ve seen through your disguise

I know you, perfect stranger
Don’t assume me foe,
For years I wore your armor
And prayed it wouldn’t show

I understand your battle
Your dream to find within,
The gift that ceases judgment,
The prize acceptance brings

And though if I were able
I’d share what all I’ve found,
I cannot dim my light to loose
The chains that have you bound

‘Tis you, dear heart, who has to choose
To raise a valiant sword,
To slice through self-perceptions
To play a different chord

And when the chains start shifting
Yes, when you’ve broken free,
Then hoist a mighty lantern
And shine for all to see

~ Leana Delle
Sunday, April 28, 2019
2019 Sunday Poetry Challenge – Number sixteen of fifty-two
Photo: Ancestor Annie McGuire


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  1. That is amazing and speaks to my very core! So glad you wrote this and I was blessed to receive it.

  2. Teresa Lougheed

    April 28, 2019 — 4:11 pm

    I love this Leana! Myself as a teenager.

  3. I absolutely love this!!!!

© 2025 Leana Delle | Website: NAKB Design