The Podcast Is Live!

CLICK HERE to listen to episode one.


After months of planning, brainstorming, and interviewing, we’re ready to roll. The podcast is here!

What will this first episode bring? Me discussing what the show’s about with sound guy Mark “Friedo” Friedman. Now, don’t let the fact that I’m talking to a man fool you; the show’s definitely about women. Friedo just happens to speak up on occasion, and it’s important that you get to know his brilliance. Did I mention that he’s a sports radio celeb? Think The Ticket; think ESPN.

For your convenience, episodes will be posted in various places. On social media, obviously, but also here. I plan to write a weekly blog entitled “The Girlfriend Takeaway.” In it, I’ll tell you about the current guest and discuss what I got out of the interview. I’ll also include a link to listen in.

That’s all fine and good, but please consider subscribing via the above link to receive this weekly soundbite of joy into your inbox. And don’t forget, you’ll also get my weekly poem on Sundays. What a deal!

Okay, let’s get this party started. I hope we have a long, enjoyable relationship throughout this broadcast, and if you ever feel the need to reach out, girlfriend, I’m ready to talk. Just email at:


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  1. Great introduction to your new show. Looking forward to listening. Good luck from Canada.

  2. So your planning on taking poker lessons. Once done and proficient will you take on Dr. Schnitzler? Maybe in Monaco, Las Vegas .hehehe.

  3. So poker lessons. Cool. When done and proficient will you take on Dr. Schnitzler. Maybe in Monaco or Las Vegas. hehehe. Good Luck with your new program. You’re Awesome.

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