Midnight Writer

Pre-dawn hours shy from me
And dawn remains a stranger,
Midnight breaks the shadows free
And holds my heart’s desire.

Ideas shift and bend in bough
Dreaming of the page,
Where eyes may someday peel them free
And bless the gift of phrase.

I have to slow my frazzled pace
Though fearing that I can’t,
Capture fleeting seconds, minutes,
Coax them into dance,

For time alone can steal my voice
None other has the power,
’Tis I who make the final choice
On how to spend my hours.

So midnight, hold your arms out wide
I’ll fall to your embrace,
Carry me to death if prized
But let me leave a trace.

~ Leana Delle
Sunday, February 3, 2019
Number four of fifty-two in The Year of Sunday Poems challenge.


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  1. LOVING these poems, Leana!

  2. I am enjoying each of your poems Leana and looking forward to your next creation❤️

  3. What a brilliant poem! Your mother and I are friends from high school days and I am so happy to be reconnected with her beautiful soul. It was a pleasure also to meet your father at our recent high school reunion of 50 years! Your mother may have mentioned that I am a poet and speaker and I’m currently visiting Fairhope, Alabama. I look forward to reading more of your work Leanna. You have a beautiful gift for words!

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