A Year Of Sunday Poems

A poem each Sunday for one solid year
An interesting challenge, and one I half fear
Though words are my joy, and I string them with pride
The gap between fiction and poetry is wide

And why do I do this, my readers may ask
To push back on boundaries and rise to a task
Though unsure of rules, or if any exist
I’ll put pen to paper, embracing the risk

You may think I’m crazy, I’ve been there before
But judgment means nothing to me anymore
If one hears a calling to do something new
They’re only a fool if they heed others’ views

My thoughts will spill out on love, laughter, and pain
But nonsense will show up again and again
And if there’s a topic you’d like me to verse
Write a short note, but don’t ask me to curse

Though some souls will read these, while others may pass
I’ll share them, regardless, until the year’s passed
And maybe, just maybe, I might make you smile
If that joy should happen, it’ll all be worthwhile

And one final note, if you don’t want to miss
Though I can’t guarantee an abundance of bliss
Subscribing will get these delivered on time
Right to your inbox, a gifting of rhyme

~ Leana Delle
Sunday, January 13, 2019


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  1. Your Mom would be thrilled!
    She always wrote such inciteful poems herself.

    • She sure did. I’m afraid mine might lean more toward silly, but she’ll come through now and then. Thanks!

  2. Love it Leana!. Unfortunately I lack poetic creativity! Cheers! <3 M

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